Preserve Petaluma's mission is to preserve the history and character of Petaluma's designated historic neighborhoods through citizen action in support of appropriate projects and initiatives, thereby solidifying Petaluma's town identity for the future as one of historic preservation.
“Preservation and enhancement of the city’s historic assets lends Petaluma a distinct identity, and helps sustain its small-town character. As future growth turns increasingly toward infill, efforts to guard the city’s heritage need to be redoubled and are reflected in the Plan’s policies.”
~ Guiding Principle #3 of the City of Petaluma's General Plan 2025
Preserve the aesthetic appearance of neighborhoods and the historic use of buildings within designated historic districts.
Require that residential remodel projects conform to boundaries of established "A Street" and "Oakhill-Brewster" historic district guidelines, in particular those homes deemed historic resources.
Ensure proper City review process for proposed projects, to include: neighborhood outreach, full size plan review, requirement of story pole representations and HCPC site visits for all projects requiring a public hearing, and additional CEQA review for those of a certain size/scope.
Preserve Petaluma was unfortunately unsuccessful it its attempt to halt the HCPC-approved Haas residential remodel at 26 6th St. from proceeding as approved, via 3 separately filed appeals of the decision. The appeal hearing before City Council was postponed multiple times until 10:00 pm on Monday, December 21, at the final City Council meeting of 2020, and its unanimous decision to uphold the HCPC's project approval was made at 12:20 am on Tuesday, December 22. See Item 6.A. Meeting of the Petaluma City Council and Petaluma Community Development Successor Agency (granicus.com) for complete meeting details.
This final project approval devoid of CEQA compliance will detrimentally impact the aesthetic appearance of the designated "A Street Historic District" and sets troubling legal precedence for scale and scope of future projects.
1905 Brainerd Jones designed home approved for massive precedent-setting "remodel"
Preserve Petaluma is still shaken by the complete disregard for historic preservation and necessary CEQA review exhibited by the City of Petaluma's City Council, City Planning Department and Historic & Cultural Preservation Committee.
The last possible recourse to prevent this project from proceeding as approved is via litigation demanding CEQA compliance initiated prior to the 30-day statute of limitations expiring on January 20, 2021. The estimated cost for this action is $25-30,000 and unfortunately, Preserve Petaluma does not have the funding necessary, so is urgently seeking any advocates or donors who might champion this cause.
Please email preservepetaluma@gmail.com ASAP if you are able to help!
Brainerd Jones was a self-taught architect, who over the course of his career designed 80% of Petaluma's historic properties. Bonnie Spindler, the Victorian Specialist, takes a look at his legacy and the enormous body of work that exists in this historic town. Petaluma was incorporated in 1859, and because fires haven't touched it and the 1906 earthquake didn't level it, much of it looks the way it did at the turn of the century when Jones began developing his unique vocabulary. His work shifted
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve our community. Your generous donation will fund our mission to preserve Petaluma for future generations.
As concerned residents of the 'A Street Historic District,' we have watched gratefully as people have fixed up their homes, but have been concerned as others have taken renovation so far as to destroy the original intent of the architect and the movement of which they were a part. While we rely on our historic district designation, we have found that alone is not enough to protect the homes, the neighborhood, and the fabric of our historical town. We created this group in September 2020 to let other concerned citizens know about proposed projects and get involved.
Owner of iconic heritage home at corner of 6th & B St. in Petaluma. The Victorian Specialist and American Dream Power Player.
Co-owner of Brainerd Jones home at 608 B St. and 20-year resident of Petaluma's historic west side neighborhoods.
Co-owner of Brainerd Jones home at 608 B St. and 20-year resident of Petaluma's historic west side neighborhoods.
Proud owner of heritage home at 22 6th St. in the 'A Street Historic District.' Member of City of Petaluma Tree Advisory Committee.
Owner of 616 B St. home built in 1875 in historic downtown Petaluma. Avid preservationist.
Preserve Petaluma
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